The Toilet Paper Tube Challenge



We have been missing our Imagination Workshop this last few weeks, and even though we don’t have access to our workshop, we DO have our imaginations!


That got us thinking – let’s do an Imagination Workshop challenge from home! To get us started making at home this week, we invite you to participate in the… dun Dun DUUUUN…


The Toilet Paper Tube Challenge!


This challenge is all about one of our favorite Imagination Workshop FUNdamentals – embracing our limitations to inspire creativity (learn more about our FUNdamentals here!) How can our “lack of” materials inspire our ingenuity?


There are Two Rules:


1. A toilet paper (or paper towel) tube has to be the main material – but you can use other tools or supplies you have in the house to create with, and the paper doesn’t have to stay a tube.


2. Create something that makes you smile.


When you are done – share your creation with us! Post a pic of your work and tell us about what you created, one thing that you found frustrating when making it, and one thing you are really proud about! Be sure to tag us using #kidspaceathome OR #kidspacechallenge so we can find it.


Creating a Maker Supply Kit at Home We’ll be posting more challenges soon – so use this week to start putting together your very own Maker Supply Kit. Here is how to start:


First, see what craft or making materials you already have. This might include things like:


▫ Ribbon

▫ String

▫ Tape

▫ Glue

▫ Various art materials to paint, color or draw with

▫ Paper (construction, printer, newspaper…)

▫ Paperclips

▫ Scissors


Next, find a container to keep your supplies in. This might be a designated box, bag, or even a (neatly stacked) corner.


Finally, look for interesting materials! We recommend checking out recyclables, old office supplies, and even old toys that you were going to donate. If it helps, think about the Imagination Workshop challenges, and look for items that you might have seen at Kidspace.


In our home Maker Supply Kits, we have things like:



• Empty boxes from things like tissues or cereal (these are usually easy to cut with regular household scissors.)

• Toilet paper rolls

• Newspapers

• Twist ties or bread bag clips

• Wires from an old spiral-bound notebook

• Empty tape dispensers caps

• Old dried up markers and pens

• Tin cans (be careful about sharp edges!)

• Bottle and jar lids

• Corks • Rubber bands

• Disposable chopsticks, or skewers

• Q-tips • Coffee filters

• The list goes on!


You can use whatever inspires you and your creativity (and is okay with the adults you live with to use)!


At Kidspace, we love to take real-world challenges and tackle them in the Imagination Workshop. This time is a perfect example of how maker spaces encourage us all, child and adult alike, to use our imaginations, think creatively, problem-solve, and work together.


We’ll be posting updates about what we are working on from our homes, and hope you have some time to share with us what you are creating too!


Audrey and Kristen





Hi all, Kristen here! I’m thinking about what I’m going to make with my Toilet Paper roll today. I started by making a list of things that make me smile. Inspired by my morning walk, I think I’m going to make flowers! What makes you smile? What are you thinking of creating for the challenge?


Day 2



Today I tried my first attempt at my making a flower! It didn’t turn out how I imagined ☹. But I learned a lot! I kept a list of things I liked and things that I wanted to try differently tomorrow. What have you tried so far? Are you going to try anything different?


Day 3


Attempt two! First, I started by trying to make the flower stand on its own, I noticed the curl yesterday and thought it might help give it a base. I reused the TP tube scraps and things I made yesterday and put them together in a new way. It turned out much closer to what I had imagined this time, but I’d still like to make some changes for my third try tomorrow! (I used a glue stick to put the pieces together, and highlighters to color it).



Day 4



Today I took apart my test projects and laid out all the pieces and ideas I had out on top of a new TP roll (I had to tape it down it was so curly!). I looked back at my notes and used a pencil to sketch out my design on my new TP roll, so I could make sure I had enough paper tube for all the pieces, and also to try and color them before cutting them out. I used some scraps from my earlier attempts to do some color testing. Tomorrow, I’ll cut it all out and put it together! Have you done anything to test out ideas?



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