Share the Love

Humans are wired for lifelong play, not only as an experience of fun, but also as a tool for social connection, problem solving, exploration, learning, creative thinking, and design. Play helps children grow and families connect. As play expert Dr. Stuart Brown asserts, “Play is the purest expression of love.” Kidspace offers a variety of memberships and opportunities to promote play for your family, and for families in our community.

boy with building blocks
small purple monster with striped hat

Enjoy the perks

Become a Member

Your Kidspace membership gives you full access to the museum, daily programs, discounts, seasonal events, and exclusive special experiences designed especially for member families.

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A gift from the heart

Make a Donation

For over 40 years, more than 5 million children and their families have laughed and learned together at Kidspace. Today, the team is busy designing a future that is more imaginative, inclusive, and safer for families than ever before. Your gift of $10, $25, or $50 will help protect the future of creativity, learning, and play for children in our community.

Give Now
Confetti falling on a group of children
Friendly red monster with one eye and horns.

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Learn about our impact

Kidspace is committed to helping meet the challenges facing the most vulnerable children and families in our community. Read our impact stories featuring the power of play to help children learn and grow.

Read the Stories
Child pulls up a pretend weight while adult cheers them on
Friendly blue monster with one eye

Join the fun


Kidspace is currently not accepting applications for volunteering. Please check back with us in the future for opportunities to join our volunteer team.

Contact Us
Kidspace is one of the safest, most fun, and educational spaces I've encountered for my toddler. It truly speaks to the inner workings of a child. Thank you!
— The Manning Family

Child playing in water fountain

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