Popsicle Painting!

Celebrate summer with a cool sensory activity! Popsicle Painting is a fun and versatile project that the family can do together. Use them as paint brushes, or as finger paints.

For planning, you’ll need to freeze for 24 hours.


  • Ice Trays – We used flexible trays that are larger than the traditional version, but use what you have at home.
  • 1 Tub Whipped Topping – You can also find homemade options if you’d like to make your own.
  • Food Color
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Paper
  • Small Bowls (optional)

How To:

  • Separate whipped topping into small bowls. (Based on the number of colors you have).
  • Add food color to the bowl and mix. If you’d like to use one color, mix into the container. We used 5 colors and filled the 6th cube with a mix of the leftover colors.
  • Add mixuture to ice cube tray.
  • Add the popsicle stick to each.
  • Freeze (we let freeze for 24 hours).
  • Take cubes out by using a knife to separate mixture from the sides.
  • Take out and start painting!

Yield: 6 large ice cubs or 12 traditional size cubes

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