Cardboard Adventures at Home

What can you create from a cardboard box?

From building useful projects to creating theatrical productions, the play value of cardboard is ENDLESS! Breakdown your boxes and store them behind the door or in the garage, you will be thanking yourself later. Here are a few wonderful afternoons we had with our cardboard adventures.

Cardboard Box Birdhouses

Here’s a fun one for any age – there are lots of easy ideas for a birdhouse shape. We went for simple cubes with a hole in one side for entry. A small stick for a perch in the middle and a nice paint job complete the look! We hung ours by the ends of the perch with a piece of yarn. No bird seed? No problem! Here’s a link to a bunch of common pantry items and food scraps that can double as bird-safe snacks.



Cardboard Dress Up and Forts

A cardboard box is magic for a case of the afternoon blahs. We went in the direction of a good old Ren Faire with a sword and shield, but a box becomes a robot, a spaceship, a boat – you name it. Get inspired by one of our favorite books Not a Box by Antoinette Portis.

Find more great projects and experiments on Kidspace’s Project of the Day! Be sure to share your adventures with us #KidspaceAtHome.

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