Build a Chrysalis Carrier
Posted by Kidspace on March 17, 2021

Temporary Butterfly Habitat
Congrats on adopting your caterpillar! As they start to grow, you have the opportunity to build them a temporary home, so they have room to spread their wings.
- Shoe box or small box
- Craft supplies – scissors, crayons, tape, construction paper, etc.
- Small branch or stick that can fit in the box
- Netting (preferred) or plastic wrap
- Cut a large window in one side of your box or take the lid off your shoe box, and turn on its side.
- Make a small flap on the side of the box that can serve as a door to feed your butterfly once it emerges. When not in use, keep the flap taped shut.
- Optional: Paint or color a background in your box. Greens and browns are a good color choice as they mimic your butterfly’s natural home. If you use paint, make sure it is completely dry before moving your chrysalis!
- Place a small branch or stick diagonally across the inside of your carrier for your butterfly to rest on.
- Carefully, attach the lid of the container with the chrysalis hanging to the inside top of the box with an adhesive. A strong tape, glue dots, and Velcro are all great options. The chrysalis should hang down in a vertical position.
- If the chrysalis becomes detached from the lid, gently lay it down on the bottom of the box.
- Tape or tie a piece of netting (or plastic wrap) loosely over the open side of the box.
- Optional: Personalize the outside of the chrysalis carrier by adding some colorful materials from around your house.