Duck Tales!
When I was five years old, I received rubber ducks as a present from my mom. Not just a few ducks… I got twelve ducks. A whole dozen! My mom arranged them in a line from smallest to biggest, leading from my bedroom to the living room. I’m sure my mom thought of these dozen duckies as a cute, one-time gift. Little did she know that they would start a lifelong collection of rubber ducks.
Since that day all the way back in 2002, my rubber duck collection has grown to more than 250 rubber ducks! I have big ducks and little ducks; yellow, pink, and green ducks. I have rubber ducks dressed up like police officers, teachers, and pilots, and some that looks like footballs and basketballs. I even have ducks that aren’t rubber! My collection has grown to include ducks make of glass, ceramic, fabric, and wood.
Growing up, my friends always knew what I wanted for my birthday: I wanted more ducks! I even had two rubber duck birthday cakes! I was also lucky enough to attend a Rubber Ducky Derby, a place to buy more rubber ducks and race them down a stream.
Now that I work at Kidspace, I’m so excited that I get to be surrounded by rubber ducks again. I’ve even started a mini collection at my desk! Plus, I have the chance to race rubber duckies again this weekend during Kidspace’s 11th Annual Rubber Ducky Races! Not only will there be duck races down the Interpretive Arroyo, but kids can decorate their duck in Storyteller Studio and make a green-screen duck movie in the Imagination Workshop.
I hope some of you are able to make it to the Rubber Ducky Races this weekend. Who knows, maybe you’ll start your own collection – it only takes one rubber duck!
Hanna Crowley is the Marketing Associate at Kidspace. She remembers visiting Kidspace on field trips as a child and has worked at Kidspace for the past two summers. Her favorite exhibit is Physics Forest, especially the Giant Levers. Hanna recently graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a degree in Graphic Communication, with emphases in Design and Integrated Marketing Communications.