A Look Back: Growing Up With Kidspace


To celebrate our 40th year, we are taking a look back with former employees, and long time guests. Thank you to the Cousins-Robledo Family for sharing your special moments with us.


After working as a professional for 15 years before deciding to stay home with my newborn son, I found myself desperate for places to go and things to do to keep us both entertained. We would try playgrounds, book stores, and train rides, but as he grew, his personality as a decidedly cautious child began to emerge. Because of this, the local parks and indoor playgrounds were often troublesome for him and ergo, not helpful for me. We found Kidspace when he was 18 months old.


On our first visit, I think we spent a full 30 minutes just exploring the magnificence of the entry tunnel with all of it’s colors, textures and lights. Then the wonderful room dedicated to the youngest visitors was filled with exciting toys and play equipment, and always included a friendly and attentive staff member. It made visits so enjoyable for us both that I promptly purchased a membership on that first day.


Enzo grew, and we ventured further and further into Kidspace’s magical world, finding ever more adventures. He grew to love the outdoor activities first, climbing on the Root Climber, playing in the river during the hot summers, and learning to overcome his fears on the climbing wall. Inside, his passion for vehicles led him to the Jeep every time. He would then test his mettle by climbing up the Rain Drop, and Wisteria Towers. There was not a week during those years that he didn’t come for at least one or two visits, with with either his dad, myself or his grandparents.


Our family is so grateful to Kidspace for the hours and hours of enjoyment and learning that you provided to our family. At 15 years old, Enzo still looks back with the fondest of memories on his time there at Kidspace. Thank you!



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