Code of Conduct
Kidspace Children’s Museum focuses on informal learning for children, their families, and caregivers. We provide a safe and welcoming space for staff and guests to play and learn together. We expect our staff, volunteers, vendors, and guests to act with responsibility and integrity during their time here at the museum, and to contribute to building a space where everyone is invited to play.

We ask our visitors to agree to the following code of conduct:
- Be kind – Share the space by being respectful and courteous to others around you. Please do not touch or verbally reprimand a child from another family.
- Watch your children – Provide adult supervision to your children at all times during your visit.
- Treat things well – Use equipment and exhibits safely and appropriately so that all Kidspace guests can enjoy them.
- Assume good intentions – Model positive behaviors and understand that sometimes another child’s play may unintentionally interfere with your child’s play.
- We are here to help! – Contact Kidspace staff immediately with any questions, needs, or concerns.
All guests must comply with safety policies and staff instructions. We expect guests to respect Kidspace staff and other visitors. Kidspace will not tolerate inappropriate behavior or abusive, demeaning, foul, or harassing language. Failure to comply with these policies may result in immediate removal from campus and/or revocation of membership without refund.
The museum reserves the right to refuse admission, revoke membership, control occupancy, or eject any person whose behavior is deemed by management to be disorderly or fails to comply with the Guest Code of Conduct and Kidspace Policies.